Smart manufacturing
Securing modern manufacturing
The Internet of Things (IoT) has transformed many aspects of modern manufacturing, from design to production to quality control. IoT and digital manufacturing technologies accelerate product-development cycles, and manufacturers can now create products of a complexity and precision never seen before. But as the industry relies more heavily on new tools, they must contend with more new threats to the safety and security of IoT-based manufacturing systems, supply chain, quality control systems, and other critical cyberphysical infrastructure. CCI SWVA researchers are developing techniques to defend intellectual property and prevent malicious attackers from introducing defects that increase manufacturing costs and can threaten safety and/or lives.
CCI SWVA research programs focus on:
- Conducting trojan detection and side-channel analyses for cyber-security in cyber-physical manufacturing systems
- Coordinating cyber-physical vulnerability assessment for intelligent manufacturing systems
- Creating strategies and technologies for mitigating and detecting the cyberattacks on 3D printing technologies
- Conducting non-destructive evaluation of parts via impedance-based monitoring
- Supporting programs such as the Manufacturing Engineering Education Program (MEEP)
- Developing anti-counterfeiting authentication security measures for products during manufacturing