Grad Student/Post Doc Opportunities
This is an image of linbo shao working on something

The CCI SWVA Cyber Innovation Scholars program furthers CCI’s mission to cultivate the next generation of the cyber workforce and make Virginia the best place to start a cybersecurity business. The program includes doctoral candidates, master's students, and postdoctoral researchers that have been invited after an application process. The scholars attend a Cyber Startup Lab workshop where they are introduced to processes involved in commercializing cyber technology. The single-day event is led by Mark Mondry, director of Virginia Tech’s LAUNCH and CCI Southwest Virginia’s associate director for partnerships and engagement. The workshop combines seven hour-long start-up labs into a half-day marathon, touching on some of the most critical issues to consider before creating a startup. The scholars also attend other events throughout the year to become more familiar with innovation resources available in southwest Virginia. The Cyber Innovation Scholars hail from departments across Virginia Tech, including agricultural, leadership, and community education; computer science; electrical and computer engineering; food science and technology; and mathematics.
The application process usually begins in the spring and the workshop event takes place in March/April of each year.