Mohamed Azab

Mohamed Azab
Assistant professor,
Computer and information sciences
Virginia Military Institute
Mohamed Azab is an assistant professor in the computer and information sciences department, Virginia Military Institute, Lexington, VA. Azab received his Ph.D. in computer engineering at Virginia Tech in 2013. His research interests lie in the area of cybersecurity and trustworthy engineering ranging from theory to design and implementation. His recent research crosscuts the areas of cyber and cyberphysical security, software defined (SD) mobile networks architectures and protocols, cross-layer SD moving-target defense, high-performance and cloud and fog computing, ubiquitous Internet of Things (IoT), and secure wireless and cellular communications.
Azab has multiple patents, book chapters among various publications in archival journals and conference proceedings. He is the founder of the Cyber Security and IoT lab. Azab's research is supported by multiple research grants. He served as a reviewer for funding agencies, an associate/guest editor for several prestigious journals, and as a track chair and keynote speaker for a number of top-tier international conferences.