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Technological breakthroughs in computing and communications are triggering fundamental changes in every sector, from agriculture to transportation to power. As more systems come online, stretch and grow their capabilities, more cyber attacks follow — dogging technological advances like a pernicious shadow.

Anchored in research

The Commonwealth Cyber Initiative was founded to position Virginia as a leader in cybersecurity, equipping the commonwealth with the expertise and the infrastructure to stay ahead of cyber threats, mitigate their impact, and create a more resilient, secure digital future. In the Southwest Virginia node, our strategy is anchored in cutting-edge research that drives cybersecurity innovation and talent development.

Core technology base

With more than 75 researchers engaged in more than 35 different programs, CCI SWVA research supports a core technology base to design fast, secure, customizable communications systems. The core areas include NextG technology, quantum information theory, cryptography, defense in-depth, and artificial intelligence/machine learning.

Applications with impact

While advancing these core technology areas, CCI SWVA research is also building out multidisciplinary applications with resounding impacts on everyday life —from protecting the power grid and agriculture systems to securing self-driving vehicles and satellites.

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